NAS System

An NAS device is a storage device connected to a network that allows storage and retrieval of data from a central location for authorised network users and varied clients. NAS devices are flexible and scale out, meaning that as you need additional storage, you can add to what you have. NAS is like having a private cloud in the office. It’s faster, less expensive and provides all the benefits of a public cloud on site, giving you complete control.

With a NAS, data is continually accessible, making it easy for employees to collaborate, respond to customers in a timely fashion, and promptly follow up on sales or other issues because information is in one place. Because NAS is like a private cloud, data may be accessed remotely using a network connection, meaning employees can work anywhere, anytime.

  • Simple to operate, a dedicated IT professional is often not required,
  • Lower cost,
  • Easy data backup, so it’s always accessible when you need it,
  • Good at centralising data storage in a safe, reliable way.
      5 out of 5


      This will go great with my Hoodie that I ordered a few weeks ago.

      5 out of 5


      Love this shirt! The ninja near and dear to my heart.

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