
Any company that uses hazardous materials in their facilities needs to consider the requirements for their safe handling. In most cases, sensors and interlocks are used to prevent the accidental release of these materials. From a safety standpoint, a release can cause injury or death to facilities personnel, as well as cause serious damage to process equipment. The sensors and interlocks that prevent the accidental release make up a Safety Related System (SRS). A SRS is a system designed to respond to hazardous and potentially hazardous plant conditions and is designed to take the process to a safe state when predetermined conditions are violated.

While we’re a leading supplier of fire safety products, there’s more to safety than equipment and technology. Understanding that the most valuable tool in keeping people safe is knowledge, we share our expertise and resources. This includes equipping fire and life safety professionals with lesson plans and other tools to educate and inform people about fire safety. We also provide our customers with the latest in state fire- and carbon monoxide-related laws and legislation, as well as tips for making their homes and businesses as safe as possible

    5 out of 5


    This will go great with my Hoodie that I ordered a few weeks ago.

    5 out of 5


    Love this shirt! The ninja near and dear to my heart.

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